Danish Upcycle: what is upcycling?

Our intern this fall - @matthijs91h will in the next couple of months write a serie of blogposts about upcycling, where he will explain the ins and outs of upcycling. But we would also like to hear your thoughts about upcycling.
What is upcycling?
Why should we upcycle (in general and here at TagTomat)?
What should we upcycle at TagTomat?
Please share your thougths and ideas in the answer-section below.

Vores praktikant i dette efterår - @matthijs91h - vil i løbet af de næste par måneder udgive en serie blogindlæg, hvor han vil udfolde hvad upcycling er og hvorfor det er meningsfuldt. Men vi vil også gerne høre dine tanker omkring upcycling.
Hvad er upcycling?
Hvorfor skal vi upcycle (generelt og her i TagTomat)?
Forslag til ting, vi kunne upcycle her i TagTomat?
Del gerne dine tanker og ideer ved at svare herunder.